A saying u say in rage but feeling extra sussy. If used with "Let me ascend to Jesus cos I just creamed my pants" you can create a deadly combo move which can kill a man if used correctly.
Person 1: Ha bro u a dog water ass (insert racial slur for minority here)
Person 2: Slip It In My Arse And Call Me Jim Giles.
Person1: Will do chief
*Makes Passionate Love All Night then plays Lego*
Southern British slang meaning I ain't got a clue woss goin on.Best discription of an acid trip I've ever heard.
Fuckin ell,I can't tell me arse from a hole in the ground!
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Indication of being very hungry indeed.
'I'm so hungry, I could eat a nun's arse through a convent gate.'
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Beer Before Grass Your On Your Arse, Grass Before Beer Your In The Clear
Beer Before Grass Your On Your Arse, Grass Before Beer Your In The Clear
Get drunk and then smoke weed and you will be on your arse , smoke up first you will be fine all night
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The seventh movie in this popular pornographic series. In this movie, Angel Raliegh gets a thumper of a shit on her, but it bounces off of her tit and onto her head - giving her a 'turd turban'. Max Keen holds it together and still manages to ejaculate on her face.
Hey have you got my DVD of Throw Me On The Fucken Grass, Part Your Arse And Shart Some Nard Hard And Fast On My Tit Vol. 7? My wife wants to see it again.
1. A perfectly harmless device that throws pointy metal objects super duper fast, with which if it is referred to as an assault rifle people freak the fuck out and call you a snowflake tree hugging homo, but logic says not to call it a gun because it's just big as fuck and the common person assumes a gun to be something held in one hand, it surely doesn't look like a rifle; e.g. sniper rifle actually looks like a rifle, DEFINITELY cannot call it a machine gun, NRA members will likely FREAK OUT AT YOUR LACK OF EDUCATION REGARDING PROPER IDENTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF FIREARMS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Because we all have military experience, or small cocks with which we need to compensate for.
2. A pointy metal object thrower that is NOT DEADLY OR DANGEROUS AT ALL, yet is used by nearly every mass murderer, coincidence? Of course not, they just have constant flash sales promoting this type of pointy shooty thing at Mass Murdermart.
3. A tool with which all persons, children, rapitsts, criminals, murderers, terrorists, fuzzy foreigners, republican domestic terrorists, people of faith, people of no faith, don't forget ANTIFA, protestors, people "supervising and offering medical aid" to protestors, and hell aliens upon arrival into this galaxy should be given and expected to have on their person at all mother fucking times because MURICA!!!!!!!!!!
Now now Grady, an ar-15 is no more dangerous than a hammer or chef's knife, even though hammers and chef knifes have practical safe uses that society greatly benefit from and would be lost without, and ar-15 is just a murdering machine, did I say machine I'm soooooo sorry go fuck your sister.
Well Buck & Jeb perhaps it's not really hunting or challenging to use an ar-15 to hunt, sorta like using a gattling gun to "hunt fish" in a bucket.
the greatest weapon ever!!! What I would own in the face of danger!!!
Person 1- Ah shit, they're coming and my revolver ain't enough\
Person 2- Well then get out yo AR-15 lil bruh!!!