Source Code

shot back

Call back, respond to email, voicemail

Thanks for the shot back when I left a message on your cell phone.

by Janice LaRae September 16, 2005

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Back Five

Using back of hand to high five

What's better than a high five?? Back five...Invented circa 1981 by the one and only "mike nyce"

by Mike nyce December 20, 2014

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folla back

the decision to follow somone on twitter after they first decide to follow you.

abundant energy decided to folla back daklute after he first followed them.

by daklute August 10, 2009

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Back of Bourke

A long way away; Australian slang.

Bourke is practically the back of Bourke, from where I live.

by Black-Velvet November 18, 2008

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Back Alley

A dark space on twitter and discord where the gutter animals hang out to create good vibes and chill beats.

I'm going to chill in the Back Alley tonight. - Gutter Dog
Have you heard, the dogs are gathering in the Back Alley. - Gutter Pigeon

by BeatTheOdds January 21, 2022

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blacked back in

the moment in time when you are out so late that you "wake up" from being blackout drunk. often you will be confused about your surroundings and unaware what occurred in the last few hours.

"i blacked back in at 3am on the subway, and i had no idea what happened to my cake!"

by BlackBackInBoy August 18, 2011

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Swalla Back

A greeting used among friends.

Hey Greg, Swalla Back!

by Swal Lo Bac February 11, 2010

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