Where a woman is straddling a man while having sex while also feeding him in the morning.
I woke up to a kings breakfast.
When you stop at an unnamed deli or food truck while walking from the train/bus stop to your office and get a bagel or croissant with eggs and bacon/sausage (and possibly cheese), then eat it on-the-move so you’re finished by the time you get to the front door of your office building.
I was running late to work so I had to get a quick New York breakfast on the way to the office.
Food given to us from God’s own breakfast tray.
You ever tried golden corral breakfast?
A sexual act where you wake up, drain the snake into a cup, cook up some grits and jerk off over the top. You then bring your partner breakfast in bed and serve them their meal.
My boyfriend was such a sweetheart, he served me a good old Carolinian hot breakfast over the weekend!
The best of both the breakfast world and the burger world "only at Carl's Jr "
I went to Carl's Jr and got a breakfast burger
A person of British origination/ethnicity
Derogatory term for British/United Kingdom people.
"I did a DNA test and it said I was 93% Breakfast Bean!
Something you say about someone you have a particularly good friendship with
Jacob my breakfast