The affliction where one is confronted by an internet connected jukebox with access to almost every song ever recorded yet being unable to think of any song ever.
"What song you putting on Dai?"
"I dunno Bryn, I've got jukebox fever."
An odd and sexual attraction towards Jewish men.
She is in love and wants to fuck with Jon Ossoff. I think she has Blue Fever.
An agitated reaction to the new generations unacceptance of the rules you follow strictly
I skipped the line at the gas station and an old man got out and pointed at the long line and started getting boomer fever.
the fear of having a mangela on you.
man, he’s got mangelar fever – she after him tonight!”
When that cold brew hits just right, ynkow what I mean player? That feeling when a man wants to dive straight into the dark void and taste the Forbiden Fruit. When you see a chocolate mama and you don't know the difference from up and down. Symptoms of Chocolate Fever include blindness, increase in libido, and possible cardiac arrest.
Adam-Dam cuzzo, this darkskin chick was all up on me in the subway, I almost caught a case of Chocolate Fever.
Nick-I know what you mean boss we all get a hankerin for some dark meat.
An illness that affects metal workers and welders. Named because you build a tolerance but the weekend break allows you to be susceptible to the metal fumes again. So it is most commonly felt on monday. Also known as metal fume fever
I got Monday fever from welding earlier and now I got the shakes.
Having Phoebe fever refers to the overwhelming and sickeningly intense attraction many feel to Phoebe Bridgers. Phoebe fever has been defined as an obsession, an addiction, and common disorder amongst angsty and depressed teens.
OMG, I have Phoebe fever! Last Friday, I bought a prayer candle with Phoebe Bridgers’ face photoshopped onto Jesus. I need therapy.