A person, usually female, with attractive legs.
“Man I love frogs”
“Did you get a look at those frogs back there?”
“Damn, she’s a frog”
Froggo is cool
People think frogs are cute
"Frogs are cute" - Person
"Okay" - Froggo
To Frog: A craft term, mainly knitting and crochet, to describe unravelling or ripping back your work. A pun origin, from “rip it, rip it” sounding like ribbit. Also called frogging
I just had to frog all of yesterdays work.
animal every bisexual and lesbian person loves
P1: i like frogs
P2: oh, so you are a lesbian
Man with long hair, pretty eyes, big lips and freckles.
Emotionally unavailable. Just passing through. Typically have hazel eyes and dark hair. Often times living a nomadic lifestyle. Welders & Musicians are often frog bois.
Will add you on tinder, make you fall in love, then leave you on read.
He was perfect, but he’s a frog boi. *cries*
I always fall for frog bois what is wrong with me?! *cries*
My red flag is falling for toad bois. *cries*
A toadboi is someone who knows they can make you fall in love with them, and you will stay in love with them forever, even if they jump away. *cries*
This is the official mascot for all the bisexual people out there 💖💙💜
Aaron: Hey guess what?!
Ian: OMG! what happened?
Aaron: You know how I came out as bi, I turned it that I became a bisexual frog!
Ian: EEK!!!!!!!!!