a Braden moment is when you are being retarded.
Guy 1: Where's france!
Guy 2: Africa
Guy 1: what a braden moment
When you say you’re going to do something and you don’t.
My friend bailed on me after saying he’d help me last night, he had a Patrick Moment.
When you done goof and tear a crack in the fabric of time.
I used to know the secrets to the universe until I goofed and fell on a rock. What a Zeke moment tbh.
When a series, either video, comic, or game related goes down a path of story, plot, world mechanics or any supposed fact of the series that has been assumed. Only for the creator to go the complete opposite assumption as the supposed fact.
A Kishimoto moment example: Altair and Ezio are ancestors of Desmond from Assassin's Creed 1, 2, Brotherhood and many other games. It is assumed that they all share one genetic line, however in a recent Q&A the writer for Assassin's Creed says that although Altair and Ezio are indeed Desmond's ancestor, they themselves do not share any blood between them.
When person one asks a normal question (such as why are we here) and person two responds with a tangent on beliefs or religion.
Simmons: hey
Griff: yeah?
Simmons: ever wonder why we’re here?
Griff: It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it. Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of... some cosmic coincidence or, is there really a God... watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night.
Simmons: man you just had a grif moment
When someone does something that a person named "David" would do or when someone does something that is included in the stereotype of someone named David.
"Did he just stick his d*** in the jar of peanut butter? That's such a David Moment!"
frug moment is a combination of bruh and frog. instead of saying bruh moment you say frug moment
My girlfriend broke up with me, what a frug moment