A place that is moist and pink and always warm. Normally can be found the peak of where Vanessa's legs meet. Everything is edible just like Willy Wonkas factory
Hey guys sorry I'm so wet just got back from Vanessa Land it was such a blast. Anyone got a towel
Exhausted after a long day, I drifted off to the land of Nod as soon as my head hit the pillow.
French Lands in the Southern and Antartic
Person: Where is French Southern and Antarctic Lands?
Other person: Southern and Antartic
barvin meak does NOT aprove fo gort land cuz an unspecified lack man baned him from gort land!!!!!
Bruh gort land.
La La Land pass is what you give to a person that has wronged you in the past but not out of malice or devilry. It’s just that what was best for him/her at the moment was not the best for the two of you. And that you understand. And that it is okay. And that you two need not to dwell on the subject any longer.
Wrong-doer: You know... I always... wanted to say... you know... about that time—
Pass-giver: It’s alright. I will give you the La La Land pass.
A young puppy, usually a couple months old
Look at that cute baby land shark, named Silla
Cubic Land is a game developed by PAG Studios
It’s also on google play