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by elementkid1007 March 2, 2009

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mr. bear

a fun loving bear that likes long walks under the moonlight. he's married to an amazing bear named mrs. bear. he wears a beanie on his head to keep warm. he also wears his seatbelt while taking long trips in the car. he's the shit. he also attempts to commit suicide everynight by jumping off a bed...he's stuffed.

horny guy in car at light: "who's that sexy passenger riding with that chick?"
other dude: "oh that's mr. bear"

by ashl33 April 14, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr. Wilson

After taking home a random woman from the bar, and you realize she smells bad. You decide to chow her box anyway.

Person 1 "Did you go home with Sarah last night."
Person 2 "Yeh, she smelt so bad"
Person 1 "You pulled a Mr. Wilson didn't you."
Person 2 "ummmmm. yeh"

by StcVader March 1, 2012

41๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr. Doctor

Rapper from Sacremento CA. Raps with other Garden Blocc Loccs like Brotha Lynch, X-Raided, and my nigga Maniac

Yo, you heard of Brotha Lynch, try some Mr. Doctor. He's just as sicc, only without the baby eating.

by hommieg707 February 29, 2008

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Mrs. Myles

A short, fat, black, old, and stubby spherical object. This particular creature enjoys stuffing its face with fried chicken. It also love to scare children and eat them. When brought into KFC/Popeye's it will begin to levitate and absorb all of the chicken within its orbital vicinity. When it orders it will ask for no less than 40 pieces of chicken. It will then count the amount of chicken and if the number does not equal the amount ordered it will demand to get the chicken back and will receive a coupon. Its hairdo looks like the hair has been raised 6 inches up, 2 inches to the back, and floating. It has a strong southern accent and is extremely black if u didn't already catch that. If encountered offer chicken to it and run as fast as you can. Remember it doesn't have long legs and has 400 pounds of extra body fat. If angered can and will cause earthquakes.

That fat bitch over their looks like Mrs. Myles.

by DumbAssTrick January 25, 2015

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mrs. burton

a bitchy teacher who must die at all costs

i cant give anything about mrs. burton

by dan varnell February 4, 2009

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Mr Fox

Commonly used between two BFFs, Mr Fox originated from the film, 'Vacancy.' In a scene where a man (Mr Fox) is trying to call the police because someone is trying to kill him in a hotel. Mr Fox is unknowingly speaking to the killer on the phone, until the man proceeds to call him by his name 'Mr Fox,' thus giving away the fact that he is infact the killer. Mr Fox then proceeds to run out of the phone booth towards his hotel room whilst the killer chases him in his car.

This name is not to be confused with 'Fantastic Mr Fox' which is a children's novel written by Roald Dahl, first published in the US by Alfred A. Knopf in 1970 with illustrations by Donald Chaffin.

Mason: 911 Emergency?

David Fox: Yeah, hello. We need some help. Some people are trying to kill us. Mason: Where are you located, sir? David Fox: Me and my wife, we're at this motel, the Pinewood Motel. It's near the mountains. They've got us trapped.

Mason: Who has you trapped, sir? David Fox: I don't know. We just need help. The Pinewood Motel.

Mason: Yes, sir. Do you have an address? David Fox: No! It's near some woods. Jesus Christ, look it up!

Mason: You're going to need to settle down, sir. You'll never survive if you lose control, Mr Fox. (David realizes he's talking to Mason.)

Mason: You shouldn't be wandering around in the dark by yourself.

Mary: Hoy!
Jen: Mr fox... is that you?
Mary: IT'S MR FOX!

by HmmfCreator June 11, 2009

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