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King fung mo

A sound lad, but has his moments.

Likes skydiving but is a bit gay...

King fung mo jumped out of a plane but forgot to pack his chute.

by SleepingChaos December 12, 2023

Mo Sicko Bamba Mode

A state of being where you reach incomprehensible power to a point where you no longer can are able to control physical or verbal actions.

Chris: Dude did you hear Rebecca is in the hospital?
Dave: Yeah dude, Ryan went Mo Sicko Bamba Mode on her titties and now she needs implants!
Chris: Lucky Ryan..

by Mama Hen 123 February 26, 2019


A tactical retreat from a conversation that’s veered into the Mariana Trench, but you’re fresh out of submarine snacks.

Short for "Deep Enough; Moving On", it’s the polite cousin of "TL;DR" for verbal interactions. Use it when you want to exit an argument about snail extract based anti-aging face-cream being vegan or not or if someone’s dissecting their astrological trauma again.

The semicolon isn’t a typo—it’s the pause you take to regret ever asking “How are you?”
Use sparingly on first dates.

Example 1:
Friend: “So I analyzed our texting patterns and think Mercury retrograde is why you ghosted me—”
You: “DE;MO, buddy. My brain’s at capacity, and my soul needs a juice cleanse.” exits chat
Example 2:
Coworker: 30-minute monologue about their sourdough starter’s existential crisis
You: “DE;MO. I respect your dough’s journey, but I’ve got emails to ignore.”

by demon_eye January 31, 2025



To be made of or the colour of Mahogany.

"dude, im so mo-hoggin' right now"

by Michael Leigh November 2, 2011

Tangina mo

This term refers to how you love someone. You use this term to express how you feel towards a person you like.

"Dude, tangina mo."
"aw, tangina mo rin!"

by Lee Yongbok "Felix" February 5, 2024

Tangina Mo

It is the Tagalog term of cursing someone out. Similar to the F**** You.


by kyle..11 January 15, 2023

chill mo D

It’s when you’re relaxed without a care in the world. Maybe sitting by a fire with your feet up sipping on your favorite whiskey and dragging on a cigar.

B dog: “scanman, what are you doing?”

Scanman: “Chill mo D, B Dog, just Chill mo D.” (As he takes a pull on his favorite whiskey and cigar will next to the fire).

by Rusty Scanman December 8, 2023