Advice to give someone who has put themselves in a frustrating, dangerous, or dire position.
"So you cheated on your wife, pick your spots, man."
A local/nearby location which is safe to smoke at without being caught.
Troye Sivan: Hey, do you know where there's a local pot spot (LPS)?
Security Guard: Yes, you can go to that balcony over there.
That area on the back of a mans head generally named Sterling that is lacking hair. Can be seen from over 20 feet away. Sometimes it is also shiny.
Saw a guy at the store with a bald spot, it reminded me of Sterling on a Friday night!
Percy “Spot” Jones, formerly known as “PJ” is a singer, multi instrumentalist and a rapper who started his entertainment career in China during the mid to late nineties. He was top of his grade in every class he ever attended. In 2007, Spot moved to Australia and would make several connections with other entertainers and musicians around the country. The most prominent of which being Hendrix Taine, a bass player, singer and author/reader. Together they were an iconic duo and sold out many shows. Since 2020, Spot has been the lead singer of comedy band Wappo Zappo, formerly known as “Sex Gun”.
As of December 2024, Spot has released 20 albums/singles in his career.
Solo Career:
Spot Season (Part I & II) - 2019
Cold Cream - 2019
Hydale - 2020
Nectar - 2020
The Deal - 2020
Army Of Ants - 2020
HMMM Question Mark - 2020
Pablo’s Album - 2020
Dragon Ball Bee - 2021
Masan Chest - 2021
The 4th Album - 2021
The Ballad Of Chazz - 2021
Funny Deluxe - 2021
The - 2021
Tales From Moe - 2021
Clogged - 2021
November Bluez - 2021
Remedies For A Damaged Brain - 2022
The’s Hex Gun - 2023
Features On:
Sandalwood - JJK9 - 2019
Gussy - Gus Fck Schulz - 2024
“I’m half black, I’m half white. Please acknowledge me.”
“Get out of the way. Out of the way eshay.”
“It could give me a skin cancer”
“Phil, you’re just not coping.”
“Who’s Your Favourite?”
“How do you get rid of the burn on the chicken?”
“Percy “Spot” Jones that’s me buddy”
A certain sensitive area on a persons body that when touched by someone of the same sex who is a heterosexual, makes you feel immediately gay. A pleasurable sensation comes over the body when this area is touched.
Don't touch me there! Thats my GAY SPOT!
A Penny Spot is an area where junkies scrape for change or pander to buy drugs
“You hear about that hobo that stabbed tourists at the Penny Spot?”
What you ask from a homie when he tells you he's going somewhere. Most likely derived from the Latin 'Assi Totus Listus Tier', which was a colloquial request for contextual information upon one's departure. There is an (obvious) amount of ambiguity of particular interest to linguistic historians which some in the subfield subtly regard as the (not so obvious) greatest schism in academia prior to the codification of the Middle English Vowel Shift.
As a linguistically significant phrase the original did tend to attract more varied glances from those who heard than does the modern reinterpretation, for reasons both societal and religious. However, research shows that this type of slang was rooted in more among the common workermen of the potato farms spotting the countryside.
Jaskus Maximus translated: I must return home and ensure my heir falls asleep.
Manus Hypus translated: Can I get an ass spot tier list?