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weak dog

Somebody who commits low acts of doggatory towards their mates on regualr occasions, and show no signs of every stoping.

1) Julie Gillard is a weak dog for what she did to K-Rudd
2) Ben is a weak dog for not telling James that the teachers where at the door before he called Ben a weak dog cunt

by gymmy q August 3, 2010

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bella dog

A beautiful dog who has lots of good looks she is usually a brown species but is very bouncy and lively but one you get to know then they become quiet and relaxed.

Bella dog is a good looking dog lively at first but becomes quite as you get to know her

by David243 March 5, 2017

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doing the dog

Popular and traditional British game, doing the dog, (mostly played in the Wessex counties) whereby 2 players depart a pub and walk home in opposite directions. At regular intervals of 30 to 60 seconds player one will shout "Can you hear me now?" followed by an impression of a dog, wolf or other member of the canine family. Player 2 responds to his call with "YES, CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW!?" followed by his dog impression. The game continues until a) There is such a distance between players that they can no longer "hear me now", or b) one or both players are arrested.

Rosier to Holeman: "That was a good night see you later"
Holeman to Rosier: "Can you hear me now? AWRAHWRAHWRAHWRAH"
(They depart)
Rosier to Holeman: *I see Holeman has started a game of doing the dog* "YES, CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? AWRAHWRAHWRAH"
...and so on

by Roono April 20, 2006

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Resevoir Dogs

One of the coolest fucking movies ever. Tarantino is the master of everything.

"Why am I Mr. Pink?"
"Because you're a faggot, alright?"

by w00t w00t March 30, 2005

69๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

parachuting dogs

During World War II, our British allies were the first to use parachuting pooches with their army's newly formed airborne regiments; their special SAS forces, also used them as well behind enemy's lines in both North Africa and France.

The search and rescue sections of the No. Atlantic Transport Command, U.S. Army Air Corp began its own experimenting
in 1942, with the dropping of dogs, their sleds, and a flight surgeon by parachute directly to crash scene in the frozen north; where a quick response could mean the difference in the survival of an injured flier or crew.

The Army parachute dogs wore a coat like harness, lined with sheep skin, developed by the QMC. It was found, that two dogs could be dropped together with a twenty-eight ft. chute, while one could land safely with the regulation twenty-four foot chute.
Most of the experimentation was conducted at Fort Nelson, British Columbia, under the direction of a Major Joseph F. Westover. The knowledge that was learnt there, was to enable scout dogs to be used by the U.S. Army Airborne troops in Europe.

The war dog, Jaint de Mortimormey reputedly made more jumps during World War II than any man. Although no training was ever formally adopted for parachuting pooches, they were used quite extenively during the war.

There's a story told about a poor doberman, who was unceremoniously kicked out the door of a plane, with a special parachute attached to a static line. Part of a special airborne unit, the dog shortly after landing, started to growled, and sure enough, coming over a rise were four germans, who never made it back to the fatherland.
Was World War II the first use of parachuting pooches?

Surprisely...no...although they weren't part of any formal program or even an unofficial outfit, there were some mascot dogs, like Jeff pictured above, who were parachuting with their masters, as early as 1920, shortly after the Great War. Jeff alone made thirteen jumps, twelve successfully, he was the mascot of the 120th Colorado Air National Guard.


When are we gonna get parachuting dogs? - Subotai

by SmackD March 20, 2004

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Male version of a whore

Hoes and dogs are for the skreets

by Sexist pig December 10, 2020

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Term for a blood gang memer, widely used in the early 1990's.

I'm a B-Dog and what crip?

by CKKris October 24, 2006

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