A lazy video gamer who would rather spend 5 hours a day playing Minecraft then anything else.
"Get up off your ass, son, don't be a Rivers"
River is a person who you can never let go out of your life. she has the perfect body and the perfect smile and no matter what they do stick with them till you die. When river smiles she lights up the whole room for hours on end. She might have had a tough childhood and teen age years but cheer her up, help her forget about it and help her make more memories with her new friends. river is the type of person that you can trust your whole life with and she wouldn’t break it. people say that she is ugly and fat when she has the body everyone dreams of. River is the definition of perfect and instead of heather or Delilah you should get yourself a river. They were amazing, kind, beautiful, thoughtful, and did I mention beautiful. River is also a magnet to the boys ;) even the hottest boys and girls day ex her because she is worth it. All the boys and girls that break her heart is just another person on my list to beat tf out of. ily river and just know I’m always gonna be here for you <3
“I found myself a river!”
“omg you are so lucky! I wish I had a river they are smart beautiful and overall amazing!”
river took my weed last night.
River is the best person you will ever meet in your entire lifetime. She is so hilarious and the most beautiful girl you have ever laid eyes on. She can be very kind but also rude if you make her mad. She will judge you so much if you do something bad to her or her friends. She has the best fashion sense ever and you will never see her without a fashionable outfit on. She is the funny energetic friend everyone needs. She is the best person know to exist.
Person 1: Hey have you seen River today?
Person 2: ya she was wearing the most beautiful outfit ever and was so funny.