either a poo gambling king OR a poo-scooper king.
j is a dough see sun.
1: rats when they see a kfc deep fryer
2: what are you talking about
1: rat
A rare illness were when your eyes are closed you can’t see
Yo dude I can’t see when my eyes are closed
When someone knows where you live...
Me: I see you
You:GO AWAY *calls police*
You (to police): Yea this guy keeps staring at me and keeps sending me messages online saying "I see you"
Police(to you): ok, we are coming right now.
*5 minutes later*
Police(to me):why are you staring at this poor urban dictionary reader?
Me(to police): they read the definition of I see you that I wrote
When you witness something that you have never seen before and have NO idea how much your world is about to change in the most fucked up way possible.
I remember watching the attacks on September 11th, 2001. Few of us realized how much shit was about to change. We were just like The First Indian To See A Boat
It's like a phrase that you say after hearing something disappointing, strange, bizzare etc.
It's also like if you don't go around the world and leave the house u won't get to witness and experience all these things
I hope it makes sense, u can add on to this explanation if u know what it means
1. Yoh that girl has 3 children and she is only in grade 7, Hai 'to go is to see'.
a very not good ran tan moneky chan
u know see turtle
hes a very not good ran tan moneky chan