The Cancer Virus Feeling or TCVF is a term given to someone whom you like that goes away after a while or period of time of not seeing that person and comes back when you meet that person. It’s like cancer, it stays in your body not doing anything until it unexpectedly comes out. It usually has an effect on a person who constantly sees the person every few long periods.
Example: Aaron usually gets The Cancer Virus Feeling whenever he goes back to Hong Kong and meets Amanda.
feeling the man muscles and saying feeling it eh
while deep throating
mans feeling it eh?
To be proud.
My daughter became a Doctor. I feel ten feet tall right now.
Feels really good but you know it shouldn’t be feeling nice
My feet are tingling and it feels really good but I just know it shouldn’t but it feels nice but weird
To be emotional; easily upset by something small
Amara had quick feelings when she was left behind.
Being Broke Until You Have To Leave With Your Mom Again.
"Nah Ma I am definitely broke because of living you again!"
"Save until you not become feeling broke again"
"Until I finished until I start again not feeling broke again"
Mixed feelings about you
I love you but i feel deception and distrust there for I have mixed feelings about you