A fat ass manatee. Like so fat Honey Boo Boo's mom would tell it to eat a salad.
Could also be a swimming McDonalds customer.
"What is that? A Godzilla sized shit?"
"Nah man, that's a fucking sea potato. It's probably binge watching Netflix and crying into a pillow right now."
When something is really cool it mean school potatoes
I’m walking down the street and I see somebody shoes and I will say to them your shoes are cool potatoes
A really fat person that is incredibly flexible for their weight.
Bill: Seriously?!? Johnny touched his toes!!
Fred: Are you kidding me?
Bill: No, not at all, Johnny is the local limber potato.
Someone who completely THWONKS potatoes into oblivion.
That Potato Thwonker’s destroying our crops!
Feces developed by a creature of any form. (Shit)
I gotta take a major ass potato
A guy or girl who is passed around by an entire friend group for either dating or just casual hookups.
Girl 1: I’m thinking about hooking up with Jackson.
Girl 2: He’s hooked up with me and Hannah and now he’s trying to hookup with you. He’s a hot potato.
What your balls look like after going swimming.
Dude, we got back from that show at like 2am and that chick slobbed all over my meat potato.