Source Code

did you wash your az today


did you wash your az today

by uwu master 1234567890098765432 November 9, 2023

Washing Machine Heart

this is the lyrics to the song washing machine heart

Mitsuki : Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart
Baby, bang it up inside
I'm not wearing my usual lipstick
I thought maybe we would kiss tonight
Baby will you kiss me already and
Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart?
Baby, bang it up inside
Baby, though I've closed my eyes
I know who you pretend I am
I know who you pretend I am
Do mi ti
Why not me?
Why not me?
Do mi ti
Why not me?
Why not me?
Do mi ti
Why not me?
Why not me?
audience : woooo wowwww i loved your song mitsuki
random ass possum : *possum noises*

by SlimeBoy6019 January 9, 2023

Sausage Washing

The phrase "Sausage Washing" refers to where one man has intercourse with women or seeks to get his sausage washed.

Ashley got his 'Sausage Washing' in Bodmin

by TheCheeseMasher August 26, 2022

puerto rican car wash

Urinating on an object with the goal of cleaning said object

Yo Holmes, Honda Civic is mad dirty, I'm about to give that shit a puerto rican car wash

by Jhutchftw January 18, 2016

Pisser Washing

When someone pisses all over the bathroom and it looks like they were trying to hose the place down.

Hey Jim, Did you see the bathroom today? The place is completely soaked. Looks like someone was Pisser Washing in there.

by WhtWidowR August 2, 2018

Wash the poodles

'Wash the poodles' is a term synonymous with a man being whipped, where he is forced to do mundane and often emasculating tasks for the sake of tang.

Guy 1: Why did stu bail so early lastnight?

Guy 2: No idea, he probably had to wash the poodles.

by good guy friend April 30, 2012

Rap washed

When someone only listens to rap/trap music and refuses any other kind of music taste; someone with no flavor

John was so rap washed he didn’t even want to hear khalid’s new album .

by Bootybih7843 May 12, 2020