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Thiccc boi

Dat juicy booty doh

Me: look at dat thiccc bois juicy booty

by Thicccccccccc boiiiii August 4, 2019


something u dont fuck. if u fuck them u will go to prison. fuck a man instead

Guy 1: dont fuck a boy
Guy 2: hell ya!!!!

by f uck ypu July 17, 2021


- A masculine term used to define men at birth
- Viper

Oh my god, you’re so BOY” (Viper)

by thebestkasastan December 3, 2024


A male that think, or don’t care if it’s okay to sexually abuse, and rape another male. The male victim would get disrespected, and turn into a criminal by everybody. People online, and offline would try to disrespect, fight, or kill the male victim. Note: that the male suspect isn’t a man, but is nothing but a pussy.

Boy: Hey Kevin, let’s fuck.
Kevin: your nothing but a boy.

by LinkxPeach September 19, 2022


boys can be two things

1. a nice one

2. a hoe

3. a racist hoe

which one u picking

wow there are on three types of boys they all suck dick

by koktopussy November 15, 2020


a young man

this boy is really fun

by dilly doll May 13, 2020


a boy is something that is not quite a man and doesn’t always aspire to be one

“that boy rather had wanted to become an astronaut instead of a man”

by nonekopopo February 17, 2023