Who is Candy girl? Candy girl is a gaming, pink, animal lover (most cats) Candy girl is on YouTube, Tiktok and Instagram! You loves and appreciates all her fans/supporters
Person 1:Do you know who Candy girl is?
Today is one of the only days you can go up to a girl and pick her up without getting smacked
tom: hey man today’s National pick up a Girl day
mark: so that means i can go up to a girl and back her up agenst a wall and pick her up and have her legs around my waist?
tom: yes
A girl's girl but it's a guy
A guy who really respects girls
A high quality male specimen
Very rare
Hauke is a girl's guy.
Hauke: The first of its kind.
A guy who understands girls well but isn't gay
"Oh yeah Josh is such is Girls Guy"
"Yeah hes cool"
aalyna is a short / tall girl that is bixesual , has a lot of best friends she’s beautiful and loyal she’s nice and will always put herself first she funny and will make jokes
aalyna is a short / tall girl that is bixesual , has a lot of best friends she’s beautiful and loyal she’s nice and will always put herself first she funny and will make jokes
1👍 2👎
23th December ; happy national tall girl day :)
guy: hey you're so tall
girl: thanks
guy: btw today is national tall girl day!
girl: ouh really, thanks :)
dat girl isn't a meme or it's just not popular yet, but i believe it's a pink frog on a unicycle.
Dat Girl be riding!
Dat Girl is on a unicycle!
Dat Girl is Pink frog but on a unicycle. Why?\
Dat-Girl is a pink frog on a unicycle