Type of humans who can make a niche.
Girl : The boys help me for my car.
A phrase mainly used by rednecks and other southerners to get a black male's attention in a rude, racial manner.
Old redneck: You n***er over there! Come here boy!
*Similar to the N-word, using the word "boy" in a racially charged manner is an ass whopping-able offense. Prepare to catch hands.
Obviously it means a adolescent male.
However the oldest SLANG term for BOY is Heroin juxtaposed to Cocaince "Girl"
This ain't no bitch! Nigga this BOY
"Ray" w Jamie Fox
A yoshi person who should send flick more noodles
Boy should send me noodles okok
A male gender, a word used commonly as ''boy''
my brother is a boy
my friends are mostly boys
A Lovely male who would get his kids taken by Karen
my brother is a boy
I'm am attracted to boys
Males who find the movies a good place for first dates.
"Sara had only known boys until Pat eRich came along and showed her what it's like to be with a man."