when you just feel like a bitch
#1: you know your a real bitch!
#2:yea, Ima bitch. I know
Oral reference to a meme -
when you are actually out there in the real world but still stuck on memes.
"the feels man, if you know what i meme"
what the fuck do i look like??
james- why would you windmill your mom you dumbass?? your fuckin retarded
ronny- fugg i look like ya fuckin shitlick?? mind your own business ya fucktard..
james-your fuckin gay..
And you have to be carried out, because you think its a really bad break- because you cant feel it.
Fitz: I hope you saved some energy cuz.. my legs pinned. I think my leg is broken. You're gonna have to carry me out.
Mack: I got you turbo.
Doubt you'll see this, probably will in a month i dont fucking know, I love u <3