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Vsco girl

An annoying ass girl who wears scrunchies and walks around sksksking like an annoying bitch. Stop saying vsco girls are the class of 2023 girls cause it aint u dumb hoes. Basically wack ass peeps who think they all cute an shit but they just annoying as shit.


oh its a vsco girl, gag me

by CHICKIN nuggets BISH October 8, 2019

VSCO girl

Those bitches who if you ever see them say and I oop or sksksks if they say those things you officially have the right to drop kick them out the window

You: Hey lily
VSCO girl Lily: skskskksksk
You:*drop kick them out the window*

by ~Joe mama ~ November 1, 2019


A basic bitch of a white girl, or alternatively, a rapidly increasing subspecies of the basic girl. Commonly associated with the phrases "and I oop!" and "sksksks". Can be seen wearing scrunchys, oversised shirts, shorts (usually ones that cannot be seen, due to it being covered by the large shirt), a shell choker, and Vans, or Birks shoes, or crocs. Can also be seen holding a hydroflask, at least 99.9% of the time. Favorite car is often a jeep. And of course, uses the app VSCO.

VSCO Girl: "And I oop! Sksksksksksksksk!"
Me (and everyone else): SHUT UP!!!!11!!!!!11!!1!

by DeltaGamerAlt September 24, 2019

Vsco girl

VSCO girl

A VSCO girl is a annoying person who says skksks and I oop SKSKSKKS They have hydroflask,pukashell necklaces, scrunchies etc. Also they love turtles

by Tiktoker2828 September 14, 2019

vsco girl

scrunchies, oversized t-shirts, birkenstocks, shell necklaces, hydroflasks, says sksksks and and i oop misinformed about how to save the turtles.

did you see bethany today? she was wearing birkenstocks and a shell necklace, she must be a vsco girl now!

by pseudonym05 September 5, 2019

VSCO girl

A type of girl who is inspired by an app called vsco. There are many different trends that you must do to be considered a vsco girl such as wearing multiple Scrunchies, owning a hydro flask, using a polaroid Camara, wearing oversized shirts that cover your shorts, and then the shoes you have to wear vans, crocs or Birkenstocks If you don’t wear those shoes You are a uncultured swine. Oh ya and you can’t be a vsco girl without having a super messy bun. An if you don’t say and I oop when you drop your hydro flask someone will throw there Scrunchies at you.


I’m at a vsco girl “ drops her hydro flaskand I oop sksksk

by Peppapigliksgirls September 7, 2019

vsco girl

basically the new tumbler girls. it used to be the basic white chicks but that is so 2017. vsco girl's wear airforce ones ,birks ,vans, or crocs. they are dressed in over sized t shirts and wear puka shell necklaces, scrunchies, friendship bracelets, and carry hydroflasks. if ur a vsco girl, u will never EVER EVERRRRR be caught with plastic straws because theyre all about saving the turtles. also they say and i oop- and sksksksksksksksksksksks A LOTTTT

she is a total vsco girl

by xoxo vscogirlllll November 6, 2019