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why I love Maddy more

well this isn’t made by a scientist but by Brian himself she is the most perfect person ever and is always going to be the greatest person ever she loves me very much

Brian searched up “why I love Maddy more” instead google gave me the ass show and showed me the actor of Idk of wtf is that show called idc tho but yeah.

by rushamane September 27, 2022

and i oop skkskskskskskksksksskskkskskskskskskskskkskskskskskskskskskskkskkskskskskskskskksskkskskskskskkkskskskskskskskskkskskwoskkokdkosaodowkaoksokdowoasidwjoisjaiowjdiosaoidhaojsi3hne9dw8m9q8fm8myd8samy8wamsjdmoamsdja89oyjso9dynaow7yods7aynowd7

and i oop skkskskskskskksksksskskkskskskskskskskskkskskskskskskskskskskkskkskskskskskskskksskkskskskskskkkskskskskskskskskkskskwoskkokdkosaodowkaoksokdowoasidwjoisjaiowjdiosaoidhaojsi3hne9dw8m9q8fm8myd8samy8wamsjdmoamsdja89oyjso9dynaow7yods7aynowd7

(urban dictionary pls dont ban me i done nothing wrong)

normal person: USES PLASTIC BOTTLE
vsco girl: OMG STOP BIG BULLY -slaps bottle out of hand- and i oop skkskskskskskksksksskskkskskskskskskskskkskskskskskskskskskskkskkskskskskskskskksskkskskskskskkkskskskskskskskskkskskwoskkokdkosaodowkaoksokdowoasidwjoisjaiowjdiosaoidhaojsi3hne9dw8m9q8fm8myd8samy8wamsjdmoamsdja89oyjso9dynaow7yods7aynowd7

by jimmybiscut74 April 8, 2021

I think herpes

You literally think about "I think herpes"


by D El de ton. April 11, 2020

Jaehyun (NCT) and Shuhua ((G)I-dle)

Jaehyun (NCT) and Shuhua ((G)I-dle) are rumored to be in a situationship. No matter how real they are, they always shine together and they both bring out the elegant, royal, chic, charismatic vibes.

Shuhua likes ramyeon.
Jaehyun: "Ramyeon?"
Shuhua: "Yes...r..a..myeon" :>
(Jaehyun (NCT) and Shuhua ((G)I-dle) - NCT Night Night Radio)

by hermai November 22, 2021

I said that too

What you say when someone says a think you've said.

Iam "Hey! I said that too! About the positive feedback loops? I had a whole thing about it! Wow man! That's crazy that I was able to preempt all these conversations years in advance! I mean how can you say that I wasn't on the right track!? You can't! Ha! An intellect (literally) ahead of my time! Only by like 3 years but whatever. I mean you didn't think of that shit did you? Noooo... No you fucking didn't! Hahahahaha! This is great! I am loving this."

Hym "And to those who have nothing; everything will be taken."

Iam "Yeah, yeah. I know..."

by Hym Iam April 12, 2022

p-,i mkvbgy8fvgy8dthyu6rcxo bhmjiujyg7,t8hnjkumtgnj;

something my dumbass friend wrote bc he thought he was being funny, and i was bored

p-,i mkvbgy8fvgy8dthyu6rcxo bhmjiujyg7,t8hnjkumtgnj;

by BIg Man 2 May 25, 2022

2👍 1👎

Do I Have an Audience?

An original by Holly ensuring that everyone she is speaking to is listening.

Group is chattingHolly: “Do I have an audience??”

by legacyvillage December 6, 2024