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Friends w/ a twist

the level before friends and benefits

“yo y’all a couple now?”
“nahhhh we just friends w/ a twist

by chanisa August 3, 2018

4👍 4👎

George W. Bush

The president of the United States of America.

Child: Who's the president?
Mother: George W. Bush.
Child: Thanks.

by xxJade July 16, 2006

47👍 102👎


"what the fuck" you don't say the letters out loud, thats just retarded! you say the words. w-t-f you use it for texting "what the fuck" or for sites such as myspace as it is actually scene as fuck to say wtf & tbh ( to be honest) actually wait...
those tards do say "W-T-F" in real life. grow some balls and swear like a mother fucker ;)

"dude w-t-f was that?"
"tbh i dont really know."

by kirstieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee May 28, 2008

7👍 10👎

George W. Bush

The guy for Americans to blame when stuff goes wrong.

Politician 1: Oil prices are high

Politician 2: It's because of that stupid George W. Bush

Guy 1: My girlfriend just broke up with me!

Guy 2: It's because of that stupid George W. Bush!

by A.nonyomous July 17, 2006

55👍 128👎

Balafel w/Testziki

The lunch you "get" when you piss off your waiter at a Greek restaurant.

I went to Greek restaurant for lunch, but after sending back my Falafel with Tzatziki, what I got back tasted a bit more like Balafel w/Testziki.

by Lauribabe & Harley May 21, 2009

3👍 3👎

Group W Dogz

A member of group of crazy people who act like a dog. K-9's or dogs tend to have unite personality's within each bread of dog.Members enjoy such a time just lounging around in any form of weather. And they say that cat's have 9 lives, Well dogs, tend to hold on to there lives in waiting for just the right time to pounce on that bone you will soon send their way. Other members of the group then to be go getters. Like a beagle who will bark at a rabbit for what seems like hours , letting the rabbit know that he is right on it's heals all the way.
Basically if you refer to someone as a dog, comically;

... Kind of like my ole blue tick hound I like to lay around in the shade And ... A If you don't like the way I'm living You just leave this long haired ... Country boy alone ...

If your a group w dogz, you describe someone as being:
Group w dogz are fun and acting foggy as a dog.
Boy he is working like a dog, Group w dogz make time for leisure.
Shes enjoying the dogz days of summer, sunning herself on the group w bench.

Origins from a popular folk songs by Arlo Guthrie called Alice's Restaurant and Charlie Daniels, Long Haired Country Boy! And is all in fun.

That guy belongs on the Group W Bench.

by Anyone Youbet May 18, 2008

4👍 5👎

Francis W. Parker

A K-12 private school in Lincoln Park, Chicago IL. It's teaching style is based off Colonel Francis W. Parker's ways of progressive teaching. The students are taught to be creative and stand up for what they believe in. The school has many courses including english, history, math, science, languages, and many electives.

Francis W. Parker is an incredible school!

by FWPcolonel December 31, 2011

15👍 30👎