Source Code

leon move

Anything awesome is a Leon Move

Let’s go play paintball while riding go carts! What a leon move!

by Wolf of lamb street July 14, 2023

Career Limiting Move

An avoidable, abhorrent action likely resulting in embarrassment, shame and banishment from an industry.

After 30+ Horse racing drug violations, Bob Baffert’s penultimate CLM Career Limiting Move was getting caught cheating in the 2021 Kentucky Derby, getting the winning horse disqualified. Bye Bob.

by Mcmiffed May 9, 2021

Dane move

A person that can’t help the team when he is needed.

That’s such a Dane Move

by Jkuerzi2018 January 30, 2019

move goofy

When someone is acting suspect for no reason and tries to act like they ain’t

Adrian came over and started to move goofy. I had to tell him my auntie was coming over so he’d leave”

by rxk nephew December 23, 2022

miss moving on

a girl who is fresh out of a relationship and trying her best to move on from it.

a girl who is living her best life after a breakup

Did you see Gracie flirting with the guy at the bar? Yes! She is Miss Moving On

by Nikkolover636 January 31, 2020

Chris Move

When someone stupid does something dumb, like Chris, they are regarded as making a ‘Chris Move’

“Did you hear Chris broke his collarbone in the off-season

“What a Chris move

by JeffNickleson March 10, 2019

Mukki move

A Mukki move is considered an act of disregard to other people's time management. It often leaves a person (sometimes even plural) waiting and messes up plans.
In other ways it also leaves people to confusion as it describes the action of not responding to ones texts or leaving someone on read for a long period of time.

Boah, was ein Mukki move, ey!
Richtiger Mukki move!

by joenight May 13, 2020