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dinger arm

A dinger arm is the ability to theoretically throw a ball over the outfield wall, hence the term ‘dinger’. Jackie Bradley Jr did this a few years ago at Fenway Park. A dinger arm is the highest grade arm in the sport of baseball.

Hey yo Chad, JBJ has an absolute dinger arm, dud. He threw Machado out at home bruh.

by mattb336 March 31, 2018

peperami arms

A man so weak that his arms literally look like malnourished, out of date, shriveled up sticks of peperami. You all know him, the guy who pays the PT in the gym and lifts those miniature girl weights, eats chicken dippers at 10am every day thinking he's making gains when actually all he's doing is pooping those gains right out.

That guy from the gym Adam B, look at how puny his arms are, i've seen more muscle on a tad pole. If there was a international competition he would be the Mr Olympia of peperami arms.

by bluemaniac September 16, 2019

arm bottom

Guyanese word for arm pit

Go wash your arm bottom

by LadieeF3fe May 12, 2017

Fat Arme

When one arm is bigger than the other for an odd reason.

Person 1: Man quarantine was extremely long for real!
Person 2: I got a Fat Arme because of that extensive quarantine.
Person 1: How you get that?
Person 2: *Trollge*

by FlareDaStriker April 28, 2022

your arms

A normal arm usually consists of flesh, bone, nerves, skin, and so on. But most importantly, a normal arm has volume and surface area, this is not your arm. The average male can lift around 100 kgs, this is not you. Your arm(s) is a scientific conundrum, you can barely lift 2 pounds without your arms snapping and atomizing in the matter of Planck seconds

I hate your fucking arms, your arms are the worst arms, nay, the worst possible human creation I have ever laid my eyes on

by Just another writer tater February 26, 2023

Baby’s arm holding an apple

An extremely large penis. A dick that when fully erect can exceed the length of 9 inches and up. The length is not the only impressive feature, but these large penises also have a significant girth that can weigh up to 3/4 pounds when at full blood capacity. Men who are blessed with such a large cock oftentimes are unaware of their impressive appendage and are sometimes surprised to learn that many women are often afraid of its size in their young adulthood because of massive size that can cause insecurity during sexual encounters due to their inability to handle such a gigantic pecker. This special men later find that only a special woman with the right skills of handling an incredible dick without crying about the pain of intercourse or provoking an unattractive gag reflex during fellatio. Women all over the world who are lucky enough to get a special man to be their husbands all understand why their huge dicks are often described as; “like a baby’s arm holding an apple”

“Gurl…. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you how huge Mr. W’s dick is….let’s just say that it’s like a baby’s arm holding an apple

by milfndenver July 8, 2024

Matty Long-armed

When you’re banging a girl from behind and you reach around through her legs and fondle your own balls instead of the clit

That ni$$a wasn’t shit… he Matty long-armed me.

by Matty bolonese January 20, 2022