Dick suckin pussy boy, usually smokes Reggie an sucks dick for coke.
Austin kalb sucked zenens dick for blow
The act of a bird (preferably a Grackle) pooping on your bare chest.
While I was paddle boarding I got an Austin Steamer.
Person who pulls off a Houdini impression in the middle of a dinner shift
Employee #1: Mate, this guy just pulled off an Austin Berube
Employee #2: Wooooooooooooooooooww
A sex position very similar to doggy-style, but with two they/not them's. Strap-ons are not allowed and if there is no penis involved, too bad.
Mason: Yeah, Todd and I Austin Hammered last night.
Callum: Oh my God, did you like it?
Mason: I mean, sorta, they didn't have a cock so it was kind of just not them grinding on me.
The act of blaming someone if your group lost to feel better or jus lying in general