When you describe the next Vended EP
The word made up by Griffin Taylor
-yooo dude, this thing is even
-yeah, it’s the next Vended EP
Some one or thing more awesome than than a person or thing that is awesome
“Mere is more awesomer than John”
1. Solidly awesome. So awesome it will stand the test of time.
2. A compound of “that rocks” and “that’s awesome.” For times when ‘awesome’ doesn’t fully capture the greatness of a moment.
When Joey rolled his Camaro, set his broken arm, then hiked 15 miles to make it to the kegger in time to snog with Becky; that was rock awesome!
When a YouTuber (typically one that's part of Channel Awesome) makes a joke in their video that feels incredibly forced out and is genuinely cringey.
It's so bad that it leaves you wondering if the YouTuber is a part of Channel Awesome (9 times out of 10 they are)
"Thank God Lindsay Ellis left Channel Awesome, her videos are great and don't have the shitty channel awesome type humor plaguing them!"
1. To smoke marijuana.
2. in an anti-drug use commercial two students were cought smoking marijuana in a concert hall bathroom. They kept repeating how they were at an "awesome concert."
"Hey babe, you wanna go to an awesome concert in my car with the windows up?"
I found a very awesome man one day.
We threw turnips at America together.
Hides the acronym TAD which means Total Alien Death. A play on the racist neo-nazi Totally Nice Day meaning Total N***er Death. Popularized by tiktok in a xenophobic trend following “the indomitable human spirit”
John: Remember David, have a totally awesome day.
David: Right back at you
👽: Zeenkie dinkle gorp “Honey im home!” Bogle bink 👽🙏
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