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stingy bastard


zarah is a beg but never shares her food. what a bloody stingy bastard!

by 77.myz June 9, 2022

Hanging the Ol' Bastard

(Verb) To unabashedly expose one's male genitalia in a public or semi-public environment.

See also: Hanging Dong

I went to visit the local nudist colony with the lads, and we had a splendid time hanging the ol' bastards

by Berek2501 August 2, 2023

baldy bastard

Person with no hair

You are a baldy bastard

by 🅱️🅾️🅾️🅱️ October 22, 2017

Robbing bastards


God B&m are reyt robbing bastards

by EEGGLLBB October 20, 2023

sound bastard

A person who inflicts his musical preference on the public via mobile phone or portable media player.
Sound Bastards tend to have a poor musical taste combined with poor built in speakers which makes them particularly irritating.

"Check out that sound bastard playing Britney Spears in the middle of the train station."

by keystealer April 30, 2010

Song Bastard

Someone who must sing ever song that comes on, and won't just shut the fuck up and listen to it.

"Collin, try do listen to this song without singing it please, you Song Bastard."

by GavinTheRebel September 26, 2015

Butler the bastard

Knocking one out in a public car park

I was walking through the rugby club car park and some guy was doing a butler the bastard

by Friction Burns July 29, 2018