A synonym mainly used in response to a rational argument. Used only by Ameera.
Person 1: 3/4 = x/4 solves to x = 3
Person 2: Rational beans, man. Rational beans.
Performing fellatio on a group of men belonging to multiple ethnicities and or nationalities.
Her jaw was sore after having so much bean salad.
a mole on the back of one's neck. may look like chocolate but don't be fooled.
fucking bean tart!
fireball mixed with sprite cranberry. guaranteed to get you fucked up lol
A person with no visual misconception she is just beautiful inside as she looks outside, a life changing young woman that Saved my life, she is the meaning of true love
She has no flaws and is my reason to smile.
I love you Zellie.
Zelbeanie <3
I love you..
Hey Zell!
Zellie bean!