A term used for a guy that is with a girl with a phat ass. This guy is usually well-hung and a respected individual.
Maire: Just saw cake boss with his girl on campus today. He must be packing to be able to handle all of that ass.
Bella: haha, the cake boss must be so proud to be with her. She is built like Kim K.
Triangle professional, u get the girls, but then get friendzoned hard. U r acc so bad at overwatch but atleast u respect the daddy torb, coz hes daddy.
He also likes beating kids that r jept in tobys basement (even tho he doesnt have a basement)
Girl1: omg mattie (mootoo the boss) popped up in dm
Girl2: same
Girl3:same!! He told me his fetish for feet and triangles
Girl1: ew
Girl2:Well imma friend zone him then
A piece of meat that is difficult to eat, or is eaten reluctantly at the end of a meal. (Similar to a boss at the end of a game level.)
I just ate beef and carrot stew, and at the bottom of my bowl was one last huge piece of boss meat.
At Joe's restaurant, I ate the appetizer, salad, mashed potatoes, rice, and drank my whole soda, and nothing was left except for a boss meat.
Bosse Anderson is the legendary guy on the picture in Kunskapsskolan. When you see him you start to sweat, his sexyness creeps into your body and paralizes you.
Oh? Is'nt it BOSSE ANDERSSON!!!!11111one1!!11!!
Men det rör ju på sig!
The artist and god in the could of MOUKN, known for:
- Being in the picture in the hall of KS
- Being a legendary artist
nämen är det BOSSE ANDERSSON
d rör ju på sig!
Hunter rankin is the dictionary definition of ‘slay girl queen pussy boss’ ngl…
July 11th is known Worldwide as the National Boss Buys Lunch Day. There are no exceptions for this day. If the boss refuses to buy lunch, he/she has to do 10 push-ups for every employee in the office.
Wow, today is finally July 11th - National Boss Buys Lunch Day. I am so excited for free lunch!