Fake depression that white people have. They usually confuse it with general sadness. The depression only lasts for a few hours.
Most people with it have a nicotine addiction and havenβt hit their juul for a few minutes.
Hey man Iβm really sad.
No Jim, you just have white people depression.
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A sub-genre of Black Metal dedicated to ripping of Burzum.
Hey dude, this record by the Depressive Black Metal band Xasthur sounds just like Burzum.
Yeah. They all do.
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The period of time when a cunt is depressed.
It is time for depressed cunt hours π
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Post Avatar Depression, also known as P.A.D., occurs to a person after seeing the movie "Avatar" (By James Cameron) after immediately realizing they had fallen victim to a runaway hype train, and wasted their time and money on a blatantly derivative movie that sucks even more than the terrible movies it ripped off to begin with.
Guy 1: Wow that movie was complete trash. Just awful.
Guy 2: *Sniff* I'm such a sucker.
Guy 1: Dude, are you crying?
Guy 2: Bro... I'm a sap. I knew the movie was just Dances with Wolves in space, but Hollywood leaned on the media to ram it down our throats so hard. I just... I really bought a whole car on the hype train and it's just the worst sci-fi movie since Battlefield Earth.
Guy 1: Aww shit... looks like Post Avatar Depression...
Guy 2: I need a hug and to rewatch Andor immediately.
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The feeling you get after shelling out for the Xbox 360 peripheral "Project Natal" and realising it sucks.
A: Whassup dude, yo is lookin down.
B: Yeh, I iz broke coz all my monies went on Project Natal and It done be no good.
A: Ah no blood, yousa got Post Natal Depression.
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girl: omgomg im so depressed i wanna kill myself
dude: best cure for depression is sex so sex me
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The anticipation and excitement of seeing somebody has responded to a post you birthed on social media, but after reading their response you are left sad and empty.
Honey what's wrong with you today, you seem out of it??
I'm sorry, I left a witty political post on the knitting forum and one lady called me a trumptard. Loretta says I have Post Post Depression and the only known cure is logging off cries...
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