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abusive mother

The mom who keeps slapping u and is abusive to you and grounds u for having a 99% on ur test

" mom!! I have AMAZING NEWS!! "
"your happy about that? "
"Yes? "
" NO MOMMY NO!!! "
The next day
"Dude I got a 99 percent!! What did u get? "
"Same but my mom was mad and abused me"
" damn u have an abusive mother! "
"Yea.. "

by Mr. Alli the girl and man May 27, 2022

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Mother of Mayhem

When something stupid or a bit bizarre is said or anything is exciting is when you use it

Holy Mother of Mayhem that was a great shot!

by therealsteph February 21, 2016

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

word to your mother

Word to your mother was a phrase used back in the 80s and 90s. Though it was originated by the African American community, saying to keep it real or to respect the motherland, it then became the retarded phrase of white boys trying to act gangsta. They sound so gay and make respectable white people like me look like the skid-mark on the underpants of society when they say it. Thanks a lot Vanilla Ice.

Black guy 1: "Yo nigga, what's happenin'?"
Black guy 2: "I'm fine, man. Keepin' it real."
Black guy 1: "word to your mother."
White boy who overhears the conversation and immediately thinks thinks of ice ice baby: "What's good, niggas?"
Black guy 1: "What you call us bitch?"
WB: " Yo man, keep it real. Word to your mother."
Black guy 1 knocks him out and he and Black guy 2 laugh and walk away while listening to the Beastie Boys, a well respectable white hip hop group.

by fatjamarcus October 2, 2010

136πŸ‘ 164πŸ‘Ž

Badass Mother Fucker

Quentin Tarantino, director.

Devin: Did you see Pulp Fiction?
Alex: Naw.
Devin: Well that Quentin Tarantino is one Badass Mother Fucker.
Alex: I heard that shit.

by Dalex November 26, 2005

40πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Crack head mother

A mother that put low effort into improving her acts she may not give a Fu*K about everything. Crackhead moms will compulsively lie to loved ones to get her daily dopamine fix. She may say she will improve her life but after some days she will go back to her normal crackhead ways. In a nutshell.

Bye I'll be right back just going to the store to get some crack... I mean milk. Crack head mother

by Ok thanks for nothing July 14, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Your mothers ass!

Often said during the mid-latter portion of the twentieth century as a replacement for terms like β€œGoddamnit” or β€œJesus Christ!” In a more religious based society.

Oh Your mothers ass! He cut me off! Did you see that?

by Frederic shculenburg September 19, 2021

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Fuck your mother

A rude word to say when you rage

"kills rarest pet in-game"FUCK YOUR MOTHER

by uhviyg April 1, 2017

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