a person who doesnt understand the point of having a good time and wants to shit on other people as much as they can
ahhhhhh heralds being a soft coc...
the softest kid in the mother fucking world
mini mircoSOFT eminem lookin like mother fucker
The dialogue starter with someone whom you need something from in a non threatening fashion.
I soft wafted my boss about that Adam Sandler concert this coming weekend, she said go for it!
The act of closing Red Dead Redemption 2 on Google Stadia, but not Google Stadia itself.
Barry and Sweetpie left the session to Soft Log and continued their great conversation.
The act of slapping ones flaccid penis against the females face to initiate sexual interaction.
Suzy was being a prude so Brian whipped it out and gave her the soft log to put her in the mood.
Soft Mode is a state where the person is more fragile and you have to be more careful when speaking to them
Person 1: Why are you more fragile than usual?
Person 2: I’m in soft mode
After 57 years of good taste, we're saying goodbye.
They say all good things must come to an end, and so it goes with Gold n Soft. Ever since the brand was born back in 1966, it’s earned devoted fans everywhere. Thanks for saving us a place at your table for over five decades’ worth of breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners. While this is goodbye, we hope you keep spreading the love!