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stupid brain syndrome

Stupid brain syndrome (SBS) is a condition which is caused by plastic particles that are directly inhaled. the particles will then enter your brain and cause SBS

Joey:yo you heard charlie got stupid brain syndrome
Sport: damn shouldve stopped sniffing them blu-ray cartridges

by zxtekiii February 28, 2020

Stupid is transiting everything

Stupid is transiting everything — The best answer to anyone who wants YOU to read their astrological chart; Tarot Cards, I Ching ; palm; or use any form of divination to tell them about THEIR future.

Stupid is transiting everything!!!!!

How can you ask about yourself WHEN THE WORLD IS ON FIRE!!!!!!??????

This is actually based on mystical law of hierarchy.

If the sun of your solar system goes nova; then, it really doesn’t matter if you have had a good reading, does it?

If the earth is hit by a giant asteroid; then whatever “good Karma” you have is overridden by the earths destiny.

“Stupid transiting everything” is not a sun going nova; or, an asteroid striking the earth; but, it is a tragic miasma that overshadows everything — especially approaches to problem solving.

This renders forms of symbolic thinking — ancient or modern — useless! Emotional and tribal behavior currently reign supreme; and, discourse has degenerated to slogans and word salads.

Read an astrological chart and when you are done slap a big sticker on it that says: Stupid is transiting everything!

Do a Tarot spread and when you are done, cover the reading with a card that says: Stupid is transiting everything!

Throw the I Ching — read the hexagrams and then immediately say the next hexagram arising means: Stupid is transiting everything.

Look at the lines on a palm and announce: Stupid is transiting everything.

You can’t go wrong with this reading in America 2023.


You have asked me to look at your chart and tell you any obstacles I see that will obstruct your attainment of your noble goals. I have looked at the position of your Saturn, your Mars, and their relationship to your sun and my conclusion is: Stupid is transiting everything.

by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 19, 2023

144👍 9👎

stupid A lunch

people who have more fun in A lunch then tell all the B lunch people about it

The stupid A lunch people are having so much more fun.

by Rose November 18, 2004

7👍 41👎

stupid corn

when someone is acting dumb like a corn because it has no brain.

"Don't flush your shirt down the toilet, you stupid corn!"

by beckylikesmeeet June 23, 2008

2👍 7👎

You stupid ni

That one thing Peter griffin said after dying in a shooter game.

Peter: um what do I push to shoot now? Ok let's see lets tr- you stupid ni

Peter: um what do I push to shoot now? Ok let's see lets tr- you stupid ni

by Himynameisfreakingnameok January 20, 2023

123👍 2👎

stupid gay niggers

A black person who likes it his ass and is stupid af

Look at those stupid gay niggers taking it in his ass

by Dick bubkiss August 16, 2017

72👍 2👎

Plot Induced Stupidity

Plot Induced Stupidity, or PIS, is when characters don't use their abilities or skills to the fullest extent as shown before, even within their personality ranges, for the sake of the story plotline. It makes lesser powered characters an actual challenge against higher powered characters in the comics.

Examples of PIS include Flash stories lasting longer than three panels, or Toy Man as a threat to Superman. Standard CBR fights exempt the contestants from PIS unless otherwise specified.

by Unknow Man March 25, 2005

68👍 4👎