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"Price is Right" rules

Abiding by the standards of the preliminary bidding and showcase rounds of the game show The Price is Right. Specifically, a guessing game participant tries to guess the value which is the closest to being correct without going over.

Me: Dude, I got a game we can play; let's guess the price of people's crap on Antique Roadshow.
Joe: Alright. "Price is Right" rules!

Me: Ok guys, try to guess how much I weigh.
Paul: 81.6 kilos! Ok, ok.. 180 pounds.
Joe: 201 pounds.
Me: "Price is Right" rules -- right?
Joe: Ya.
Me: OK, I guess 202.
Joe: You bastard!
Me: Alright, let's see... Damn! I'm 199!
Paul: Wow, dude, you're fat. But, hey.. I win!
Joe: F-that... I was closest, you were way off! Friggin' "Price is Right" rules...

by Jud R December 19, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

sounds about right

When someone tells you something that you hadn't thought of yourself and is spot on.

I think you may have a valid point; sounds about right.

by PineappleJuice March 14, 2015

17๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

alt-right trolls

The term "Alt-right troll" can be used to dismiss any critisism by saying it is a harrasment campaign comes from alt-right trolls.
Despite what common sense might make you believe, alt-right doesn't mean the person in question is a member of the alternative right, they simply a sexist homophobic transphobic cisnormative misogynistic nazi fuckface who dares share an opinion different to your own and therefore should be silenced. Furthermore by classing someone as an alt-right troll everything they say will automatically become invalid and can therefore simply be ignored. Litterally any critisism, no matter how valid, can easily be dismissed by using this term so you can go back to being a happy, delicate little snowflake gently flying through the wind.

Amy: Alt-right trolls are harrassing me and writing negative reviews of my movie.
Ben: Are you sure it's not just ordinary people that just disliked the movie and therefore wrote a negative review?
Amy: No it is definitely alt-right trolls that want to silence me because everything I do is perfect.

by Addict Ninja March 20, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Set You Right

Term bartender's use for getting anyone they know intoxicated or crunk.

"Jared told all his friends to come on down to the saloon and he will set you right."

"Billy was telling me to go see Jared down at the bar because he will set you right."

by PlowDriver69 August 28, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Call that right off

Basically it means not a chance is that true or stop fucking lying

guy1: I heard you fucked your male teacher
guy2: Well you can call that right off you sick fucker

by anonymous November 22, 2004

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Men's Rights Activist

Men, typically wearing fedoras, who actually believe that men have a systematic disadvantage as compared to women. Claims that feminism is against equality and oppresses men. Do not seem to understand the concept that giving another group rights that you have always enjoyed does not take away your own rights. Will use bogus facts, faulty logic, contradictory statements and basic insults. There is a grain of truth in the fact that MRA's state that mens' issues are equally important in achieving gender equality (something that most reasonable feminists agree with). However, that being said, they often berate the female gender in doing so. Most MRA's appear to be men that want to mask their prejudice in a socially acceptable manner, giving lip service to equality when it is clear they don't actually believe in equality. Basically, trolls.

MRA: "She should have worn less revealing clothing. She was asking for it."
female: "You're victim blaming. Nobody asks to be raped."
MRA: "I'm not victim blaming, I just think she was sort of responsible for it."
female: "Dude that is so sexist it's not even funny."
MRA: "Well, I'm a Men's Rights Activist! Fuck those feminazis!"
female: "uuuMMMM, actually, feminists want equality for both genders, and they aren't trying to take away men's rights! We believe men should be able to control themselves because they are rational human bei---"
MRA: "You just want to repress our natural instincts! If you put a steak in front of a dog, you can't just expect it to---"
female: "Dogs have discipline."
MRA: "How dare you compare men to dogs! Fuckin' feminazis!"

by Aiamai The AI Robot June 4, 2015

1120๐Ÿ‘ 1448๐Ÿ‘Ž

Basic Human Rights

Basic human rights is a catch-all term, mostly used by the ideological left wing, used to describe whatever social issue is topical this week as somehow beyond criticism.

Often uses false equivalencies, like the idea that healthcare, the act of preserving and celebrating life, includes abortion, the act of killing a child whom is financially inconvenient.

Restaurant: We will not serve you as you have donated to an organization that denies LGBTQ2SIAA+ people their Basic Human Rights!
Me: Bro I just gave $20 to the Salvation Army. I will use the money I would have spent on your food to donate to them again.

by Pylot December 7, 2022

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