When one arm is bigger than the other for an odd reason.
Person 1: Man quarantine was extremely long for real!
Person 2: I got a Fat Arme because of that extensive quarantine.
Person 1: How you get that?
Person 2: *Trollge*
A normal arm usually consists of flesh, bone, nerves, skin, and so on. But most importantly, a normal arm has volume and surface area, this is not your arm. The average male can lift around 100 kgs, this is not you. Your arm(s) is a scientific conundrum, you can barely lift 2 pounds without your arms snapping and atomizing in the matter of Planck seconds
I hate your fucking arms, your arms are the worst arms, nay, the worst possible human creation I have ever laid my eyes on
An extremely large penis. A dick that when fully erect can exceed the length of 9 inches and up. The length is not the only impressive feature, but these large penises also have a significant girth that can weigh up to 3/4 pounds when at full blood capacity. Men who are blessed with such a large cock oftentimes are unaware of their impressive appendage and are sometimes surprised to learn that many women are often afraid of its size in their young adulthood because of massive size that can cause insecurity during sexual encounters due to their inability to handle such a gigantic pecker. This special men later find that only a special woman with the right skills of handling an incredible dick without crying about the pain of intercourse or provoking an unattractive gag reflex during fellatio. Women all over the world who are lucky enough to get a special man to be their husbands all understand why their huge dicks are often described as; “like a baby’s arm holding an apple”
“Gurl…. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you how huge Mr. W’s dick is….let’s just say that it’s like a baby’s arm holding an apple”
When you’re banging a girl from behind and you reach around through her legs and fondle your own balls instead of the clit
That ni$$a wasn’t shit… he Matty long-armed me.
Refers to a scenario whereby da "paw" of a lusted-after chick sits nearby with a double-barreled goose-blaster and keenly watches while you and his "little pumpkin" get it on, in order to make sure dat you always use a condom whenever you "go all da way" with her; da purpose, of course, is to avoid a "shotgun-wedding" type of situation nine months later!
Another definition for "armed rubbery" would be if you tell a hot gal's father dat you just wanna give his gorgeous daughter a naked massage, and so he and Brown Bess stand guard to ensure dat you two do indeed just stick to said firm caresses. :P