Procrastination performed by a person that seems to be at such a meaningless, disgustingly professional level that even the trash that really needs taking out, never gets taken out. Same applies to a person with body rot or the lack of basic general cleaning due to laziness.
In all cases, the physical ability to clean is in no way impaired, except for the lack of effort.
When it came to the diaper pail, my friend Rob was just like Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout: a total pro-crap-stinator.
Perform or do something to the most extreme perfection possible that the action being done or being done on someone else can be consider wrecked. Noun form would be "pro wrecker".
I pro wrecked so many noobs in Call of Duty 4 last night.
The cream of the crop; the best of the best.
Dude 1: Dude, do you play Halo 3?
Dude 2: Yeah dude I'm 4 pro.
Dude 1: What do you mean 4 pro?
Dude 2: Dude I can't even play with the pros, they pay me not to play I'm so good.
from the parody song "chug jug wwith you"
used when a player is really sweaty but respectable, wich is almost never (but possible).
Dang, he's a pro fortnite gamer.
What folks are saying about Clarence and Ginni Thomas’ shamelessly profiteering Supreme Court decision-for-sale antics.
Oh Clarence, how can the public even think for a minute that we are taking bribes for access, that what we’ve done is a quid pro no-no?
Typically a 4th gen Camaro (like the silver one drivin by Noto)
Owner will always refer to the pro mod as a “street car” when it’s indeed a pro mod!
This street car which is actually a pro mod is gonna go or blow this weekend!
Learn to pronounce
proper noun
@Swipertruck a full size PICK UP truck Gapped my favorite racer so we call him a pro-mod now.