Window Warrior-
Someone that show signs of extreme paranoia.
Could be complications from having a paranoid personality, drug induced paranoia, paranoid schizophrenia, or can actually be the truth; an aftermath of paranoia may present itself for victims and survivors.
The term window warrior was from people with paranoia standing watch oftenly looking through a window. Can turn aggressive for any perceived threats.
The objection does differ from criminals, victims and survivors, to a persecuted minority watching windows looking for any signs of an opposition, predators, to even signs of oppression.
Becky- "That guy has been in his front yard all day." (while peeping outside through the blinds.)
Terry- "Omg you are such a window warrior."
a heavily accented french canadian with a strong passion to larp as a person with an actual job.
Please stop trolling on the internet 24/7, quit being a le warrior.