a collection of well valued overseas items up to and including groceries and clothing. sometimes referred to as bargain shops; including some you may or may not know.
“where did you get those USA Polo Aggressor slides?”
“oh! the knock off item at a maximum discount on sale at Ghetto Things?”
Do not sabotage the situation by engaging in risky behavior that will jeapordise the greater good. Popular used by the prime minister of trinidad and tobago to warn citizens during covid lockdown.
Don't jackass the thing by going to zezzer parties during lockdown.
I'll give you 1 million guesses and I guarantee it's the you'd ever want me to do.
Hym "Your self-help bullshit is cancer and if you all killed yourselves today you would be doing everyone you siphoned wealth from would be better off. And true hell is having your kid murdered by a guy everyone around you provoked into killing your kid. Having to look your neighbors in the face for the rest of your life knowing full-well that they could have done otherwise. What do you think the thing I'm called to do would be in this situation? I'll give you 1 million guesses. You only need 1 but you would take all of them before getting it right."
The only thing I have is my house. I’m actually praying for an economic collapse or recession so that the transplants here all move out of Louisiana. This is why I think Joe Biden might be helping my cause. I would really like to get certain people out of my way.
The only thing I have is my house pretty much. I’m not going to lose it because it’s in my name.
FBI or NSA agent aka professional stalker
"shit bro i think i have one of those glow things on my phone it keeps messing up"
the thing under your desk that you can pull out for your keyboard
I don't have enough place on my desk, i need an underdesk keyboard pull out thing