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Johnny Orlando

the most beautiful human that has ever stepped on earth. he is very funny, un-problematic, and hard working. he deserves the entire universe

johnny orlando is so beautiful omg *dies because he is so pretty*

by jadiawillrise January 26, 2019

johnny orlando

Rich young Canadian singer who got his parents to make him famous. He is friends with Jacob Sartorius and gets a lot of hate. Famous song: Let go

“Omg, johnny Orlando is on tour, I have to go see him!”

by Tjejtn n October 3, 2017

johnny orlando

Johnny Orlando is the cutest and romanticest guy you will ever know. He is perfect in singing and lots of sports! He loves relationships with girls named Maya so be ready for your dreamboy --> Mayas 😏
He has also a very big dick and is actually so good in a bed❤ He loves kids, will never let a girl alone and always keep his girl safe from others!!!

Girl: I am in a relationship with Johnny Orlando...
Other Girl: No way! Omg he is the cutest guy of the world!
Girl: Year I know, I am so happy

by Johnny_my_boyfriend January 3, 2017

Real Johnny

Peeeedophile scary rapist

Real Johnny is a rapist and pedo

by CynicalWolf September 29, 2019

johnny trombone

Something failing couples try to save their marriage. The man attaches a low pressure air pump to his pens and injects air into his bladder, he then has sex with his partner as normal while 'peeing the air into her, making a trombone sound.

I totally Johnny Trombone'd her last night.

Why don't you guys try the Johnny Trombone?

by SquatchIt September 24, 2020

Bedlam Johnny

A misunderstood person who appreciates a nice booty and boobs. Women love and dream about him for his humbleness, honesty and ability to satisfy them mentally and sexually. It's urban legend that if a single woman is feeling lonely and wants a wet dream, she would have to say, repeatedly " dirty Johnny " before eating ice cream.

A man used to wheesper dirty bj ( bedlamjohnny) if he wanted to impress a daughters father before asking her hand in marriage. A bedlam johnny

by FW NIBBAWATTS January 15, 2023

Vitamin Johnny

That sweet sweet white elixir shooting out of Johnny's tip that can cure all illnesses.

I was feeling under the weather, then I had a shot of Vitamin Johnny and I was good as new!

by Johnny's recipient November 29, 2024