Zoey: are you free on August 27th??
Kiyo: no..
Zoey: why?
Kiyo: its Mysta Rias’ graduation
National stephen (seby) day! make sure to wish any seby a happy seby day!
every august 27th i call my friend Stephen and wish him a happy seby day!
August 27th is national arch pic day send somebody a arch pic
Oh it’s august 27th. I’m going to send you a arch pic
national kanye west/burn the swiftys day. a day in witch all the people celebrate kanye west and his genius. people get together and burn swiftys by the stake in celebration of him making taylor swift famous.
omg its august 27th lets burn all the swiftys
National Best girlfriend day! Give your gf a gift and celebrate this fun day.
"Hey Olive! Its National Best Gf day today on August 27th! Heres a gift." "Aww tysm. ily 🫶"
Give Percy 5 peeled and chopped up cucumbers.
Person 1: oh boy it's August 3rd you know what that means.
Person: yes! Time to give Percy some cucumbers!