one quirky chaotic bitch. can steal anyones man and has the bombest coochie ever. falls in love with everyone. lost shoes in river. she is a witch. loves dinosaurs. the greatest person ive ever met. <3
oh my god emily buck just ran me over with her car
A group of lads in secondary school/college who think that if they copy their groups name from Geordie shore people will think they're cool. Care more about pulling than having a laugh and there's always one outsider. Would also be beaten by both a wolf pack of a group of lush kings.
'What are those lads doing over there pulling off eachother a flutes?'
'Don't mind them, they're just a bucking squad'
The rush of adrenaline and excitement a hunter(typically inexperienced) gets when they spot a buck. It can cause shaking, jumpiness, and as a result; botched shots.
Guy 1:I fucked up the shot on that 6-point I was hunting.
Guy 2:Must've been buck fever.
An phrase coined by "TrainWreckTV" from Twitch.
It is an alternative for "I will keep it real with you".
TrainWreckTV (Tyler) is very candid with his viewers about his past and present, and he is not hiding things, and whenever he has a moment when he is going to tell something sensitive or very honest, he is saying "I will keep it buck fifty with you"
"I will keep it buck fifty with you, that new car that you bought is putrid"
"I will keep it buck fifty with you, I have some money problems"
A mispronunciation of V Bucks. Famously said by rapper and artist Danny P
John Wick coming with the Wee Bucks
Ask mommy for the visa
To travel at a speed exceeding 100mph and/or well above normal limits. A buck is 100 cents (or $1.00), hence for 100mph being a buck being the origin of this term.
That car was bucking it down the highway. The woman with the green shorts was bucking it past the other runners. That boat was inappropriately bucking it in a no-wake zone.
Buck 50 is an awesome group that gets lots of money, and zero hoes. We like to play amongus and roblox, and talk in imessage.
Ulan is my favorite member of buck 50!