The art of sleeping in a portable structure at a camp ground with every single comfort from home that it's not really camping at all. This often results in an experience far more expensive than an expensive hotel. (Different from staying in a caravan, as that is not camping but caravanning). People who go Quasi-camping are often loud obnoxious and never take their rubbish with them.
I went to the campground, there were so many people Quasi-camping, it gives me the impression that they hate the outdoors and would rather stay at home. They were obnoxious, loud and messy.
Little Jonboy who loves Burgers
Edward Camp ate all the cheeseburgers
Gay sex in a tent
Orgie of men having sex in a tent
Dosnt have to be in a tent
Would you like to do camping Craig tomorrow
Someone who falsifys wind & rain to mass viewers.
You think lonewolf is bad , check out Ab Camping !!!!
The place where you make your closest friends and your best memories.
I want to go back to cape cod sea camps, all my friends are there and I miss them!
When a Mexican family goes camping next to the border so that they can illegally cross it the next day
Jose and his family went to go Mexican camping so that the can cross the border the day after
When a family from mexico goes camping next to the border so that they can illegally cross it the next day
Jose and his parents went Mexican camping yesterday to go cross the border