An Italian satirical variety show. The problem is that it behaves like it was a inquiry program and people also believe that.
Boomer: Don't you know that anime is bad for young people? I saw it on "Le Iene".
Guy with common sense: Man, that program is crap.
Faire l'idiot au lieu d'aller à l'école. Playing the idiot card instead of being in school.
Arrêtez de faire le Martin-Karl et allez à l'école. Stop doing who knows what and go to class.
Playing the idiot and doing things other than being in school.
Arrêtez de faire le Martin-Karl et allez à l'école. Ne vendez pas de la drogue.. Stop playing the idiot and go to school. Stop selling drugs.
he is a cool man and he gives me money so that i can do more!!!!
Hey, has cest le zombie given us the kidneys yet?
Yeah! He got around to it yesterday!
Wo Xin Tai Beng Le A, which means something or somebody tried to destroy your mind, make you give up something. And succeeded in making you give up.
(Something bad happened.)
Me: Wo Xin Tai Beng Le A
a heavily accented french canadian with a strong passion to larp as a person with an actual job.
Please stop trolling on the internet 24/7, quit being a le warrior.