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mr. mackey

Mr. Mackey is the guidance couselor in the show South Park, M'kay. He always says M'kay, M'kay.

Mr. mackey- Drug are bad, M'kay.

by Mmk01 January 23, 2016

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Mr. Earls

hottie hottie hottie, Mr Earls is a sub at MJHS and he is so hot
he has a very large ass

β€œMr. Earls is my art sub today! I can’t wait to see his big fat ass”

by MREARLSLOVER April 30, 2022

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Mr Gin

A vicious over weight guinea pig that is around the size of a small horse.

Borwell: My guinea pig is getting big now.

Rob: Yes but Mr Gin is 6 times the size of that pussy and he would beat the crap out of him.

by Golly Jolly October 17, 2006

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mr. newman

A stupid math teacher who no one cares about. Has one giant ass forehead that look like Payton manning. You can see your refraction in his bald ass head. Pretends to be cool but the students roast him behind his back.

Did u see that kid with huge forehead? He's such a Mr. Newman

by NotaguyfromMahtomedi May 24, 2016

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Mrs. Davis

1. The health teacher from the movie Varsity Blues that teaches her students about sex during the day, but at night she is a stripper.

2. The name for any teacher that is a part time stripper.

1. "Mrs. Davis! Bouncin' and jigglin' in my face"

2. Damn, I didn't know Mrs. Richards was a Mrs. Davis!! I saw her strippin just last night!!

by prosper44 May 2, 2007

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mr knight


Don't be Mr knight

by Hhggfd March 14, 2022

Mr. No Legs

Refers to any and all types of snakes

We better take the hoe in case we run into Mr. No Legs to chop his head off

There was a three foot long Mr. No Legs out in the street.

by radarlove1968 June 2, 2018