Source Code

say handcuffs backwards

send this in a discord server with censor bot to troll everyone

me: say handcuffs backwards

user: sffucdnah

Censor Bot: @user you are not allowed to say that!

user gets muted for swearing


by Hehe I cheated March 17, 2021

Survey Says

A line in Wu-Tang Clan's "Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nothin to F' Wit"

Person 1: "Survey Says?"


by West56 August 22, 2018

The saying

1. (v.) Never trust a Mexican with a gun

David, dont use the gun, dont you know the saying, "Never trust a Mexican with a gun!"

by Yomamasauraus January 2, 2022

When I say "jump" you say "how high?"

The catchphrase of boomers in particular, possibly coming from the movie "Stripes" is a phrase that fuels their narccisim and the outcome being they wonder why their kids and grand kids go No Contact and abandon them or throw them into homes and abandon them.

The idea is you are supposed to question an order not act in blind subordenation. They just say "JUMP!" being confused you ask "How high and why?"

Boomers comically use the phrase "If your friend jumps off a bridge would you follow?" fueling more of their hypocisy.

"When I say "jump" you say "how high?"-Boomers

"Why do my kids hate me?"-Boomers

by rolomaturbo December 26, 2023

wrap say she smack

when a woman interrogates a man with anger

Then she said wrap say she smack

by Trentaloaf March 2, 2021


An exquisite lithuanian delicacy made from the finest fruits.

Some may call it the bengali bomber however that was demobilised in the Vikings era.

I want to eat Sayed, it's just so fruity.

by Hxlimah October 24, 2022


Black monkey, slave, cotton picker, pyramid builder

I own a lot of Sayed’s - Dzemal

by DDzemal April 13, 2022