To recognise that bad things will happen soon.
Is it Vanessa over there? Oh gosh, I'm going to see a Krownmountain again.
A crude song that only works with a London accent that is an excuse to swear.
Asshole asshole, assholedier went to see, (sea) two posts, two posts, two pistols on his knee, fuck your, fuck your for curiosity, fight for the queens cunt fight for the queens fun fight for the queens country.
A saying between an older person who does rowing and a younger person.
It is used between two people who likes each other, for example, “I see forever in your eyes, babe.”
*Leslie stands up from the table* Excuse me, I’ve gotta see a man about some porcelain.
(phrase) | to appear quite sickly, almost to the point of deathly ill-looking
“you look very ill, another clean shirt ought to see you out. you look as if you'll soon be dead”
I'll see you soon! OK fuckboys , means NEVER it's a joke on them selves! Shit, they did me a favor! "Ciao"
Another way to write "C2," usually used in code.
(See: C2)
Person 1: See Two stole my granola bar!
Persons 2-23: Yes, we ALL know.