An incredibly simple and easy to prepare meal. Usually consists of oven fried chips (curly ones may be a step up) and a processed chicken fillet breast (25 mins on Gas mark 6)
"Whats that you're eating there James"?
"Just curly fries and a processed chicken fillet"
"Oh right, a Smack-head meal"?
When an individual feels invalidated after being vulnerable with someone else. IE; A cat showing its belly in a stance of vulnerability, only to have its belly smacked.
“I was really vulnerable last night with Kevin when I told him I liked him, but he totally smacked my belly!”
Person 343: Child Labor And The Blended Family Four By Four Bubblegum Smack.
To smack glands: verb, to force female and male sex organs collide.
I like to smack glands all night.
Smacking your enemy in the face with your cum
After pissing home of he jack and smack the road rage drive
Smack the homies ass day: Smak the homies ass day is a day on november 29th where it is legal and socially acceptable to smack your freinds ass angrily at any time.
Person 1: Hey
Person 1: Happy smack the homies ass day