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Local Pot Spot (LPS)

A local/nearby location which is safe to smoke at without being caught.

Troye Sivan: Hey, do you know where there's a local pot spot (LPS)?

Security Guard: Yes, you can go to that balcony over there.

by BiStander June 1, 2018


The act of doing two things at the same time that causes something unexpected or big to happen

A:"I accidentally pressed the pause and punch button at the same time and now my game is frozen!"
B:"lol nice g-spotting"

by T3r3n August 20, 2021

Bald spot

That area on the back of a mans head generally named Sterling that is lacking hair. Can be seen from over 20 feet away. Sometimes it is also shiny.

Saw a guy at the store with a bald spot, it reminded me of Sterling on a Friday night!

by Bigdaddy81 December 21, 2017

shot the spot

To leave ones current location.

Lets shot the spot before catches us!

by Joey Schuetz January 16, 2005

A-spot plie

a man touching the anterior fornix with his corona.

The spelling bee champion did the a-spot plie on his housewife.

by Coop Dupe June 9, 2018

G-spot shuffle

With an upward curved cock, in dogggy style, a thumb is inserted in the rectum with the intent to have the pad of the thumb press upon the cock curve.

I hit her with the g-spot shuffle, birch came all over the place. Had to burn my sheets.

by Blackbitchesdontlie January 28, 2018

Penny Spot

A Penny Spot is an area where junkies scrape for change or pander to buy drugs

“You hear about that hobo that stabbed tourists at the Penny Spot?”

by AFH2w00ly December 2, 2022