On march 7th kiss any girl you want
Yo it’s march 7th.
That means it’s national kiss a girl day.
Oh dude that’s great I can kiss my crush.
Yeah but Um do you know where my sister is?
The girls that call themselves a « granola girl » aren’t granola girls. A granola girl is a girl who loves hiking, canoeing, camping, etc…
A pinterest/instagram girly isn’t a granola girl.
omg she is such a granola girl!
Every year for 3 days, this national event happens, all that happens is men/boys need to spend time with there girlfriend. You may spend time with your girl, but these 3 days are just for your girl, not for anyone else, just your loved one!
Boy: Hey, Let’s hangout today, I want to spend every second of the day with you, Come sleep at mine for 3 days!
Girl: Why three days?
Boy: Because it’s National Spend Time With Your Girl Day! And, I love you
Girls who are known for being socially acward and not good with guys mostly white and full of drama
Girl : My group is the dunloggin girls
Guy: who are you?
A Coptic that is a hoe and also a slut and don’t know how to act right
That girl is a Coptic Tampa girl
A Gold Diggin Broad, That’s down to suck her way to wherever she needs to get them other kinda karats. Feel me?
Jeff Bazos ex wife is a girl who eats carrots, Fosho!